
  • Sajida Faraz Lecturer Law, Women University Swabi, KP, Ph.D. Scholar (IIUI) IRSIP (Fellow), Germany
  • Dr. Shams Ul Hussain Zaheer Associate Professor/ Chair Person, Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Women University, Swabi
  • Naila Rafique Assistant Professor Law, Capital University of Science &Technology, (CUST) Islamabad, Pakistan


Abortion is one of the debatable topics faced by the human community these days and a matter of profound debate in penal law due to special circumstances i.e, abortion for controlling birth, abortion in rape cases, and termination of the fetus on the ground where the human body is considered to be personal property and legitimacy of abortion due to fetus abnormalities. So, according to Islamic law abortion is prohibited except in certain cases. Islam respects both the life of the fetus and mother and prevents danger to the lives of both. Sharia rulings permit abortion only on the ground when doctors examine with surety that the maintenance of pregnancy will put the existence of the expectant mother at risk. The legitimacy of this justification for abortion may be related to the Islamic legal principle known as al-ahammwa 'l-muhimm, which refers to the smaller of two damages that are acknowledged (the most important and the least important). The consequences of illegal abortion are very alarming because it is harmful to the health of women and also puts in danger a new life as well as Islam and other countries firmly discourage it. However, the grounds for legitimizing abortion in crucial cases differ in Islam and secular laws as situations vary from case to case. In many countries, Abortion is carried out as a method of family planning. There are limited clinical causes for abortion that represent a low proportion of all cases of abortion. This paper discusses abortion concerning international, Pakistani, and sharia law.


Keywords: Abortion, Women, Rape, Fetus, Islamic Law, Embryo




How to Cite

Sajida Faraz, Dr. Shams Ul Hussain Zaheer, & Naila Rafique. (2025). ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE LEGITIMACY OF ABORTION IN ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE. Sociology &Amp; Cultural Research Review, 3(01), 982–1003. Retrieved from