
  • Dr. Abdul Qudoos Hassan Rashid Incharge Chairperson Department of Urdu GC University Hyderabad
  • Rukhsana Jafar Ali Lecturer Department of Urdu, GC University Hyderabad


Mathematics is a branch of science without which we cannot imagine moving forward in time nor can we look into the past accurately. Without calculations we cannot move forward one step. It has been divided into sub-branches, each branch has a world of colour in it. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Astronomy, Data Science, Computer, IT, Business and Commerce, Technology, Social Science, Arts and Sciences. Its use everywhere for humanities has become a compulsion beyond necessity. Like the introduction of mathematics in all sciences, it has been used in Urdu language and literature since the beginning of Urdu. You must have often seen that 786 is written instead of Bismillah Rahmanul Rahim, A, B, C, Dughirham is written instead of the question number in Urdu, you must have seen it written. The reason for this is the numbers of the numbers from "A" to "Z", each letter has a fixed number. This is mathematics. In modern times, there are 54 letters of the Urdu alphabet. It is also important to remember the correct number with the letters. For pronunciation of Urdu like Arabic, Persian, Sindhi, familiarity with Shamsi letters is necessary. For example: In Allah, two "l" are written, but it is read as one. 14 solar letters are important to remember. The foundation of mathematics is counting. The beginning of teaching mathematics to the child is done by making him memorize the count, the language is used for the number of this count, and the language has fixed a word for each number. . When the name of mathematics comes to mind, the concept of table comes to mind. "Mountain" is a term. Adding numbers, adding numbers and adding them further is called Pahare. Mountains up to two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty have been included in our curriculum so that students can learn these basic mountains. By memorizing, you should be able to make future mathematical studies easier, and this is what happens in the case of memorization. Unit, decade, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million, plus, negative, multiplication, division, less than or equal, adazam, angle, triangle/triangle, rectangle, etc. are the gift of Urdu language. The status that mathematics has got today is in the form of language and expression. Such techniques, idioms, idioms, sayings are used in common speech, in which the connection with mathematics is shown,  In literary research, time has a special importance in order to determine the period in the context of biography and personality, it is necessary to know the knowledge of mathematics. There are many such examples in Urdu. Just like the process of mathematics is involved in Urdu, similarly, Urdu language and literature are also involved in mathematics. For the Urdu medium, Urdu language is of primary importance for mathematics, although the recognition of this is done lazily. Therefore, both the Urdu language and the knowledge of mathematics are related to each other, it is not necessary, it is compulsory.

Keywords: Urdu, Mathematics, Sharing Terminology, Ghalib Biography Timing, Date of Death




How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Qudoos Hassan Rashid, & Rukhsana Jafar Ali. (2025). THE INTERSECTION OF URDU LANGUAGE AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. Sociology &Amp; Cultural Research Review, 3(01), 632–646. Retrieved from